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Buying Advise?

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 8:54 am
by Design Engineer
What are the points to look out for when buying a CSK?
It would appear that many have problems with the viscous diff seizing and thus destroying the axles, how does this manifest itself? Having only been used to pre viscous diff Range Rovers >89 this is not a problem i am familiar with. :S

Re: Buying Advise?

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:41 pm
by stuclark
I can't offer advice about the centre diff, as mine seems to be fine. However, if buying a manual CSK, watch out for the synchro - on some cars this can be very badly worn, causing problems...

Re: Buying Advise?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:38 am
by rrdoctoruk
the siezed viscous shows its self by locking all the drive,i.e when turning in a cicle the cars front wheels will skip across the ground,generally look for all the things you would on a range rover,sills,a post,rear cross member etc,bear in mind that it is only a tarted up 2 door range rover and as such has all the problems the early range rover suffers from in body corrosion and panel gaps,